Acronis True Image HD 2015 Click the language you want to install to start downloading the Acronis Software. Once downloaded install the software and follow the instructions in the software and/or the setup guide provided with your product.
Hi, I can't seem to actually download my copy of the 2014 edition - clicking the downloads button in either chrome or firefox simply shows 3 empty dropdown boxes. Has anyone got a link?
Matty, welcome to these user forums.
OEM versions of Acronis products are supported by the third-party companies providing them, so you would need to go back to where you were offered the software for a correct download link.
The only links on the Acronis web pages will be for a 30-day trial copy of the latest ATIH 2017 software.
Please see KB document: 2201: Support for OEM Versions of Acronis Products
Many thanks Steve. That's kind of odd, seeing as it's in my Acronis account, but Crucial has removed the link to download now. I guess I'll have to live without it.
Hi Matty
I found a copy of the 2015 OEM download here:
My 2014 Serial Number worked for this version too.
There are a few different OEM versions as well - you should use the one that came with your disk or that is compatible with your OEM disk. The reason being is that OEM's typcially neuter the product so that you can only clone or retore to a disk that matches the type of disk that you purchased... so WD has a version, crucial has a version, Kinston has a version, etc. And if you're using a Kingston OEM version, chances are, they have tweaked it so that only a Kingston drive can be restored to. It varies from vendor to vendor though.
What OEM drive do you have - should be able to Google for the OEM version of the aCronis download and enter your OEM product key then.
WD OEM 2016 version:
Other Acronis WD OEM versions:
Kingston Acronis OEM version:
Kingston Acronis OEM version (a different link from Kingston):
Kingston Acronis OEM 2014 version:
PNY Acronis 2017 OEM version:
Keep Googling until you find the one you need.
The only crucial one I could find is the same one mentioned above: it came from this Cruical forum post:
(01). MVP WinPE Builder (02). MVP LogViewer
(03). MVP Google Drive (04). Cleanup Utility
(05). Cloning Correctly (06). Clone vs Backup
(07). Community Tools (08). Contact Support
(09). Product Documentation (10). OS MBR vs UEFI
(11). BOOT MBR vs UEFI (12). Common OEM Drivers
Thanks for the Mirror. I have the 2014 Version from PNY, but they upgraded their hardware to the newer version, so they don't support my version, but Kingston has a mirror of the 2014, so I am trying that link.
Link to download Poland version here is broken
Broken download link
Hello Peter,
thank you for reporting this!
I'll make inquiries about this and get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Norton Ghost
Thank you for answer, that's great can' wait for download.
You still not respond Anna, they removed now Poland version from download page lol, why ? Does it back for download when will be fixed ?
Hello Peter,
Acronis Download
sorry for the delayed answer!
We removed the link because it is not a necessary one. This link led to English installer because the product wasn't localized in Polish.
Thank you.
Anna Trifonova
Acronis Customer Central | Acronis Backup Software
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Hello Peter,
sorry for the delayed answer!
We removed the link because it is not a necessary one. This link led to English installer because the product wasn't localized in Polish.
Thank you.
So this link -> with PL on end leads to this -> hmm interesting.
And there is no Acronis true image HD in Polish right ?
Dear theCustomer NotForYou,
You understood it right. In the current version of the product there is no Polish build and the button 'Poland' was supposed to lead to English build. You can see this behavior by the example of 'Czech Republic'.